Site announcements

Summer Learning Schedule

Summer Learning Schedule

by Erin Borsoff -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students, 

Congratulations on a successful school year!

Our regular teachers are now on holidays for the summer. Please reach out to if you require assistance during the summer months. 

If you are interested in taking another course over the summer, please visit our website at *Please note that registration is only available until next Friday July 5th, after which students wanting to take a course with us will need to wait until August 19th, when Elise Lambert returns.

Our first summer session occurs during the first 3 weeks of July and the second summer session happens the first 3 weeks of August.

Math/Sciences, PE -  A welcome back to Ms. Konrad (, who will be continuing as regular staff for 2024/25.  She will also be overseeing a few electives. 

English/Social Studies/French/CLE and CLC - Ms. Willis ( will also be overseeing a few electives. Check your course, to see your teacher. 

Please note that  teacher availability is only 2 days/week. You can see when your teachers are available by click the Calendar Link - here: CALENDAR LINK


We ask students to expect some longer-than-normal response times in receiving feedback and marked assignments. However, staff will work diligently to ensure a reasonable turnover of assignments submitted. Students are directed to send any questions to our Sea to Sky Online email address (, as individual staff emails (except Ms. Konrad and Ms. Willis), won’t be received until staff return in September.

Happy Summer Learning!